Relationship Coaching for singles

Finding Love: A Journey with Emily Abeledo, Relationship Coach Extraordinaire

In the pursuit of love, the path for singles can be both exciting and daunting. Enter Emily Abeledo, a seasoned relationship coach who draws inspiration from the renowned Gottman Method to guide individuals on the journey to finding their soulmate. Let’s explore how Emily’s expertise, coupled with the principles of the Gottman Method, can transform your approach to dating and lead you to a fulfilling, lasting connection.

Understanding the Gottman Method:
The Gottman Method Couples Therapy, developed by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman, is renowned for its evidence-based principles that nurture healthy, lasting relationships. Emily Abeledo, as a relationship coach, integrates these principles into her coaching approach for singles, providing a solid foundation for individuals seeking love.

Self-Discovery with Emily Abeledo:
Before embarking on the quest for a soulmate, Emily believes in the power of self-discovery. Through personalized coaching sessions, she helps singles explore their values, aspirations, and relationship goals. This process aligns with the Gottman Method’s emphasis on understanding oneself before entering into a partnership.

Building a Strong Foundation:
One of the core principles of the Gottman Method is the idea of building a strong emotional foundation. Emily guides her clients through exercises and discussions that foster emotional intelligence and self-awareness. By delving into their past relationships and identifying patterns, singles can break unhealthy cycles and create a solid emotional groundwork for future connections.

Navigating the Dating Landscape:
The dating world can be overwhelming, and Emily Abeledo provides invaluable guidance based on Gottman principles to navigate it successfully. This includes developing effective communication skills, setting healthy boundaries, and cultivating an awareness of the importance of emotional attunement in building connections.

Relationship Coaching for singles

Establishing Relationship Goals:
Emily works with her clients to set clear relationship goals, aligning with the Gottman Method’s emphasis on creating shared dreams. By defining what they want in a partner and a relationship, singles are better equipped to make meaningful connections that align with their values and aspirations.

Developing Conflict Resolution Skills:
While conflict is inevitable in any relationship, the key lies in how it is navigated. Emily, drawing on the Gottman Method’s insights into conflict resolution, coaches singles in developing effective communication and problem-solving skills. This prepares them for the inevitable challenges that may arise in future relationships.

Embracing the Positive Perspective:
A fundamental principle of the Gottman Method is fostering a positive perspective in relationships. Emily encourages her clients to approach dating with optimism and openness. By focusing on the positive aspects of themselves and potential partners, singles can attract and nurture healthy connections.

The Journey to Lasting Love:
Emily Abeledo’s coaching is not just about finding a partner but about creating a foundation for lasting love. By integrating the principles of the Gottman Method into her coaching, Emily empowers singles to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healthy communication, and positive connection.

Finding Love: A Journey with Emily Abeledo, Relationship Coach Extraordinaire

In the pursuit of love, the path for singles can be both exciting and daunting. Enter Emily Abeledo, a seasoned relationship coach who draws inspiration from the renowned Gottman Method to guide individuals on the journey to finding their soulmate. Let’s explore how Emily’s expertise, coupled with the principles of the Gottman Method, can transform your approach to dating and lead you to a fulfilling, lasting connection.

Understanding the Gottman Method:
The Gottman Method Couples Therapy, developed by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman, is renowned for its evidence-based principles that nurture healthy, lasting relationships. Emily Abeledo, as a relationship coach, integrates these principles into her coaching approach for singles, providing a solid foundation for individuals seeking love.

Self-Discovery with Emily Abeledo:
Before embarking on the quest for a soulmate, Emily believes in the power of self-discovery. Through personalized coaching sessions, she helps singles explore their values, aspirations, and relationship goals. This process aligns with the Gottman Method’s emphasis on understanding oneself before entering into a partnership.

Building a Strong Foundation:
One of the core principles of the Gottman Method is the idea of building a strong emotional foundation. Emily guides her clients through exercises and discussions that foster emotional intelligence and self-awareness. By delving into their past relationships and identifying patterns, singles can break unhealthy cycles and create a solid emotional groundwork for future connections.

Navigating the Dating Landscape:
The dating world can be overwhelming, and Emily Abeledo provides invaluable guidance based on Gottman principles to navigate it successfully. This includes developing effective communication skills, setting healthy boundaries, and cultivating an awareness of the importance of emotional attunement in building connections.

Relationship Coaching for singles

Establishing Relationship Goals:
Emily works with her clients to set clear relationship goals, aligning with the Gottman Method’s emphasis on creating shared dreams. By defining what they want in a partner and a relationship, singles are better equipped to make meaningful connections that align with their values and aspirations.

Developing Conflict Resolution Skills:
While conflict is inevitable in any relationship, the key lies in how it is navigated. Emily, drawing on the Gottman Method’s insights into conflict resolution, coaches singles in developing effective communication and problem-solving skills. This prepares them for the inevitable challenges that may arise in future relationships.

Embracing the Positive Perspective:
A fundamental principle of the Gottman Method is fostering a positive perspective in relationships. Emily encourages her clients to approach dating with optimism and openness. By focusing on the positive aspects of themselves and potential partners, singles can attract and nurture healthy connections.

The Journey to Lasting Love:
Emily Abeledo’s coaching is not just about finding a partner but about creating a foundation for lasting love. By integrating the principles of the Gottman Method into her coaching, Emily empowers singles to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healthy communication, and positive connection.



In the realm of relationship coaching for singles, Emily Abeledo stands out as a guide who combines expertise with empathy. By weaving the principles of the Gottman Method into her coaching, Emily provides singles with a roadmap for self-discovery, effective communication, and the cultivation of lasting love. If you’re on the path to finding your soulmate, let Emily be your trusted companion, helping you navigate the complexities of dating with grace, wisdom, and the evidence-based principles of the Gottman Method.

In the realm of relationship coaching for singles, Emily Abeledo stands out as a guide who combines expertise with empathy. By weaving the principles of the Gottman Method into her coaching, Emily provides singles with a roadmap for self-discovery, effective communication, and the cultivation of lasting love. If you’re on the path to finding your soulmate, let Emily be your trusted companion, helping you navigate the complexities of dating with grace, wisdom, and the evidence-based principles of the Gottman Method.

This new Workshop is for you

Lessons in Love

The Gottman Seven Principles for Singles Training​

Learn everything you need to make your next romantic connection a lasting one. Improve your communication skills, learn how to effectively manage conflict, and gain essential tools to approach dating and relationship-building. Using renowned Gottman concepts proven to make relationships happy and successful, you will discover how to set the foundation for a healthy lifelong partnership.

This new workshop is designed to help singles learn the key to building successful relationships, all based on Dr. John Gottman’s New York Times bestseller, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Although originally written for married couples, the Seven Principles have become universal, helping romantic partners of all stages strengthen their connections. Straightforward yet profound, these principles teach proven methods to manage conflict, create common ground, and achieve greater levels of connection and intimacy.

This is an individualized 7-hour Zoom workshop is designed to help singles learn the key to building successful relationships.

Normally a $1200 value currently for $700

It's time to regain control of the relationship.

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In this singles workshop, you will learn…

• The happy couples secret weapon.
• How to become a better listener and communicator.
• The phases of relationships, true love, and how to approach dating.
• How to express your emotions, needs, goals, and dreams.
• Improved conflict management and how to move past repeat arguments.
• Ways to increase fondness and admiration in your relationship.
• How to apply the Seven Principles to dating and romantic partnerships.

Who is this for?

This workshop is for single individuals looking to build a happy, healthy romantic relationship.

Individuals who are single or in various stages of dating will learn how to apply the Seven Principles to romantic connections, gaining essential skills to build their best relationship yet to come.

Learning Objectives

• Recognize, and build skills to encourage individuals to get to know your partner in a deep, profound way.
• Describe qualities and interventions to build friendship and trust.
• Demonstrate ways to recognize and respond to bids for emotional connection and accepting influence.
• Give examples of understanding and working with both solvable and more difficult problems.
• Explain getting through gridlocked conflict as a team.
• Define creating a special “Story of Us.”
• Give examples of maintaining relationship gains.

The best investment you can make for your relationship. Don't let it go

This new Workshop is for you

Lessons in Love

The Gottman Seven Principles for Singles Training​

Learn everything you need to make your next romantic connection a lasting one. Improve your communication skills, learn how to effectively manage conflict, and gain essential tools to approach dating and relationship-building. Using renowned Gottman concepts proven to make relationships happy and successful, you will discover how to set the foundation for a healthy lifelong partnership.

This new workshop is designed to help singles learn the key to building successful relationships, all based on Dr. John Gottman’s New York Times bestseller, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Although originally written for married couples, the Seven Principles have become universal, helping romantic partners of all stages strengthen their connections. Straightforward yet profound, these principles teach proven methods to manage conflict, create common ground, and achieve greater levels of connection and intimacy.

This is an individualized 7-hour Zoom workshop is designed to help singles learn the key to building successful relationships.

Normally a $1200 value currently for $700

In this singles workshop, you will learn…

• The happy couples secret weapon.
• How to become a better listener and communicator.
• The phases of relationships, true love, and how to approach dating.
• How to express your emotions, needs, goals, and dreams.
• Improved conflict management and how to move past repeat arguments.
• Ways to increase fondness and admiration in your relationship.
• How to apply the Seven Principles to dating and romantic partnerships.

Who is this for?

This workshop is for single individuals looking to build a happy, healthy romantic relationship.

Individuals who are single or in various stages of dating will learn how to apply the Seven Principles to romantic connections, gaining essential skills to build their best relationship yet to come.

Learning Objectives

• Recognize, and build skills to encourage individuals to get to know your partner in a deep, profound way.
• Describe qualities and interventions to build friendship and trust.
• Demonstrate ways to recognize and respond to bids for emotional connection and accepting influence.
• Give examples of understanding and working with both solvable and more difficult problems.
• Explain getting through gridlocked conflict as a team.
• Define creating a special “Story of Us.”
• Give examples of maintaining relationship gains.

The best investment you can make for your relationship. Don't let it go

In this book, author Emily Abeledo, LCSW, gives an insight into dating with intention. Through scientific information, accepted psychological theories, and her 22 years of experience in the field of mental health, she discovered that emotional intelligence and attunement are keys to lasting loving relationships.

Buy our book in digital version now

Libro de Emily Abeledo

In this book, author Emily Abeledo, LCSW, gives an insight into dating with intention. Through scientific information, accepted psychological theories, and her 22 years of experience in the field of mental health, she discovered that emotional intelligence and attunement are keys to lasting loving relationships.

Libro de Emily Abeledo

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