Sanando Relaciones: Cómo una Pareja Superó sus Problemas Matrimoniales en 6 Sesiones

Sanando Relaciones: Cómo una Pareja Superó sus Problemas Matrimoniales en 6 Sesiones

Sanando Relaciones Cómo una Pareja Superó sus Problemas Matrimoniales en 6 Sesiones Las dificultades en el matrimonio son un desafío común que muchas parejas enfrentan en algún momento de sus vidas. En mi rol como terapeuta especializada en terapia de pareja, he tenido el privilegio de ser testigo de numerosas historias de éxito, donde parejas…

Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity: A Journey to Stronger Relationships
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Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity: A Journey to Stronger Relationships

Rebuilding Trust After Infidelity A Journey to Stronger Relationships Infidelity can be a devastating blow to any relationship. The pain, betrayal, and broken trust can seem insurmountable. However, as a therapist specializing in relationship counseling, I have had the privilege of helping numerous couples navigate this treacherous terrain and emerge stronger, more connected, and more…

Unpacking Therapy: A Typical Session
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Unpacking Therapy: A Typical Session

Unpacking Therapy A Typical Session In today’s article, I want to take you inside a typical therapy session to shed light on how it can help individuals overcome their challenges. The story revolves around Alex, a client dealing with anxiety. The Situation: Alex, a 30-year-old professional, reached out to me struggling with crippling anxiety that was…

Rekindling Love: A Journey of Healing and Connection
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Rekindling Love: A Journey of Healing and Connection

Rekindling Love A Journey of Healing and Connection As a couples therapist, I have had the privilege of witnessing countless couples transform their relationships through therapy. Today, I want to share with you the story of Sarah and David (names changed to protect their privacy), a couple who came to me seeking help to save…